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synopsys of scenario :


"Divide and Conquer" is a game written to explore what happens when a choice must be made whether to divide forces to repel a common enemy. Teammates are divided by distance. Two wars are raging simultaneously - one in the north, and another in the south. A third teammate, playing the part of a distant ally (from the far east or far west), must journey through dense asteroid fields and Space mines to enter the fray. This distant ally may assist one teammate or the other - or divide his or her forces between the two to assist in the common goal. Teammates will find themselves facing an opponent with power equal to their own. Dangers are obvious. The planetary clusters are small, and enemy capitals are located within close striking range. The enemy team also has a third teammate as an ally, who will be coming from a distance to join the war. If any of your allies lose their capital or original homeworld, you all lose. In the meantime, there is a fight for acquisition of core planets. If either team gains a majority of the core planets, the game is over. You must expand your empire to survive. You determine the solution.


Prior to the game, ask someone who is not playing the game (a neutral party) to act as the moderator to set up the game. The moderator will send out any changes to the rules to all of the players by email. The moderator, as player 1, will then set up the game for all of the actual players online and then abdicate his or her empire. The West team consists of player 2 (north cluster), player 4 (distant west), and player 6 (south cluster). The East team consists of player 3 (north cluster), player 5 (distant east), and player 7 (south cluster). The moderator should position the players secretly so that the other team does not know which person is at any position on the map. This prevents stronger or weaker players from being targeted in any team strategy. Note to moderator: Occasionally, you will get the message "Unable to find space in zone for random world." Just hit "okay" until the game begins - or restart the game, if necessary. If a player capital spawns in dense nebula, restart the game.


This scenario was written to be played as a 3 vs.3 team game. Difficulty: Intermediate Length: around 30+ years, from start to finish. Unless otherwise agreed by all players in the game, these are the victory conditions: The winner is the team that is first to accomplish any of the following: 1. Capture any opponent capital (or any planet that served as an opponent's original homeworld). 2. Capture and possess a simple majority of the total planets accessible in the two clusters at the end of any year. (i.e. capture 11 of the 20 originally independent cluster planets, whether north or south. Cluster planets spawned into dense nebula are not accessible, and are not counted; Player capitals are not counted). 3. Capture and possess a simple majority of the planets accessible in the northern cluster as well as a simple majority of planets accessible in the southern cluster at the end of any year. (i.e capture 6 of 10 independent planets in the north cluster as well as 6 of 10 independent planets in the south cluster. Cluster planets spawned into dense nebula are not accessible, and are not counted; Player capitals are not counted).